13 Questions for Q3

13 Questions for Q3 Improvements

As a business owner, you are great at solving problems. After all, that’s why you are in business!

So today, I want to share with you some questions to ask yourself, and to ask of your business, which may uncover some problems and opportunities. 

The answers to these questions may result in you solving problems, before they do damage to you and your business.

Here are 13 questions for the second half of 2024:

  1. Is your company more or less profitable than last year, through June? 
  2. Have your costs measurably increased this year? 
  3. Are you protecting yourself – now – from paying unnecessary taxes NEXT year? 
  4. Who were your most profitable customers, or industries, served so far this year? 
  5. What are your biggest drivers of new business, so far this year? 
  6. What needs to change, so you can capitalize on Q3 & Q4 of this year? 
  7. How can you encourage more referrals and word of mouth for the clients you served through June?
  8. Do you need to make any new hires in the coming months? 
  9. Do you face any new competition this year, or competition that is gaining ground on you?
  10. How can your business better support your personal goals for the remainder of the year? 
  11. Are you using your unique abilities, or doing too much of the work that drains you?
  12. How are your vendor relationships going?
  13. Do you need to create any new vendor relationships?

Q3 & Q4 may have the potential to be some of your best quarters yet.

Start seeing improvement by sharing this article with your leadership team and discussing these questions together.

I’m confident that at least some of these questions will create some discomfort. We all have room for improvement. That’s why I’m asking myself these same questions!

If you are unable to answer some of these questions because you don’t have the data or your books need work, let’s talk! At Holos Advisory, Tax & Accounting, we create tailored accounting and tax solutions for business owners, so you have more insight into your businesses and are better positioned for the future. 

Here’s to a great second half of the year for you and your business! 


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About Us​

Joe Harding is a CPA that started his accounting practice in 2017. After double-majoring in accounting and finance, he went on to complete his Masters in Accountancy at ASU. Prior to starting his own practice, he worked for a Big Four firm, as well as local accounting firms. Joe has served business owners at every stage of growth – from those that are just starting, to exiting. Holos Advisory, Tax & Accounting provides unique solutions for your current situation and your future goals.

On a personal note, Joe married Lisa in 2014 and the two have five children. Outside of his accounting and business acumen, he is known for his abilities with the fishing rod, grill, and smoker.

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Considering more integrated accounting, tax, bookkeeping, and advisory services that aligns your finances with your mission? 

Give us a call at 602-902-1500.