Title Goes Here

Use the keyword here, and hook the reader

Explain the header really well using 3-4 sentences. Each of these should drive you to the next point, which is in the next header. Someone should be able to read just the headers and get a pretty good idea of how to get the job done. 

Yes, this needs to be readable, valuable content, but many people will first skim the entire piece by checking the headers. Then they say, “Yes, I want to read this.”

Step 1: Don’t Skimp on Good Content

Give the meat and potatoes in these sections. People will use you if you give them the goods. Ideally, you should basically think, “people would pay for this kind of advice.” Yes – that’s the kind of stuff you should be producing here. 

If you provide fluff, they will say, “this isn’t that good…” 

If you think someone’s content is good, that’s when you pay. If you think it’s fluff, that’s when you move on. So, don’t skimp. Don’t write filler. 

Step 2: Provide Specifics and How To

The more technical and helpful, the better. Because often, they will think to themselves… “Yeah, but am I doing it the right way?” 

You can link out to other solid sources like the IRS site. But ideally, this is where you would even provide links to your other content. Don’t drive to other accountant’s pages. 

IRS guidelines, etc. 

If you want to make more money, give people more of what they want. 

Step 4: Don’t forget your keyword

Remember to stay on topic. If you find yourself drifting off topic to a broader principle, remember that you have an entire blog you can fill with that other stuff. Stay on topic and write about what they came here for. 

Step 5: Write as much as you need to write to cover the topic

People often worry that they are writing too much, or they are writing too little. Your reader will continue to read as much content as they find helpful. Writing more does nothing for them, and writing less makes them think you shortchanged them. 

It’s not about the length. It’s about if they got their question answered. Or, it’s about whether they realize that they need individualized advice because the problem is more complex than can be covered in a blog post. 

Make your big point here. Summarize.
Let people know that they can connect with you if they have specific questions.

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